How To Get Rid Of Under Eye Wrinkle

how to get rid of under eye wrinkles
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There are a number of things for someone to have under eye wrinkles. The causes are varied from too much exposure of sun damage, too much squinting, munscle movements, smoking to  aging.
Eye wrinkles can also be caused by surgery and injuries. However, there is cure for under eye wrinkles. So, someone does not mean to have them for the rest of her life. The question is what are the best remedies for under eye wrinkles?

 1.       Vitamins

Two kinds of vitamins play an important role to help remove under eye wrinkles. The first vitamin is Vitamin E which contains an antioxidant and  Vitamin C. With its thick oil, Vitamin E that can help hydrate the epidermis. This oil will help reduce the looks of wrinkles and avoid new wrinkles. In fact, there is also Vitamin X that adds to the production of collagen and protects against sun damage. This vitamin also make the inflammatory skin conditions better.

 2.       Alpha-Hydroxy Acids

This is widely known as AHAs and contains natural fruit acids. AHAs help reduce wrinkles under the eyes by lifting away the top layer of dead skin cells. So, AHAs decrease the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines under the eye. Producing smoother skin the the most natural way to grow the level of collagen production which is stimulated by AHAs. You can try anti-aging wrinkle cream made by Olay.

3.       Chemical peels

There are some options to improve the wrinkles under your eyes and some chemical peels are possible. This is another option for those who don’t want to use fresh fruit and vegetables such as avocados, cucumbers and oranges. Chemical peels are treatment in which some chemicals are used to burn away the top layer of skin which causes the body to create more collagen. You should consult a plastic surgeon who offers this kind of treatment on the best option for you.

4.       Retinoids

The only topical treatment for under eye wrinkles approved by FDA is tretinoin which is commercially known as Retin A. Besides reducin fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, this cream also repair sun damage as a natural form of Vitamin A. There is no report of side effects of using this cream.

 5.       Botox

Botox is an expensive treatment to remove under eye wrinkles commonly used by Holywood stars. This is an injection under the wrinkles performed by a doctor which will relax the muscles and later the skin on top lies smooth on top of the old wrinkles. The side effect is that it looks unnatural and plastic.

6.       Laser/Light Surfacing

Laser/light surfacing makes use of the energy from a laser to remove the top layer of the skin. This treatment will cause a slight wound of the skin which then force the skin to begin producing more collagen. In the end, the skin will develop smoother, new layer of wrinkle-free skin.

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