How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin On Your Face

how to get rid of dry skin on your face
Having dry skin is a common problem of many people. Dry skin is almost inevitable during the winter months.
This problem can be disturbing especially if you have dry skin on your face or around the forehead. Getting rid of dry skin is important since excessive dry skin will turn your face look much older besides it may lead to skin infections due to some miniscule cracks and dwelling of bacteria into your skin surface. Second reason is because your face is like your personality, the most important part of your body which everyone focuses on. 

There are some practical tips you can do to help the moisture back into your face.

1.   1.    Use creams  : The first step to remove skin from your face is to apply a bit of cream onto the parts of your dry skin as necessary.  You may apply both night creams to nurture your skin and day cream as moisturizer of your skin.  A night cream can help you both to hydrate your skin during the night and to speed up the rejuvenation of the skin. Use the cream that may help increase the levels of hyaluronic acid to have better hydrated skin.  You may choose product that matches with the type of your skin. 
      As an alternative of the cream, you can use milk commonly known as malai to treat dry skin from your face. This will decrease peeling skin and prickliness caused by dry skin on your face. 

2.    2.   Use baby’s washcloth:  You may want to change your abrasive scrub with something softer like baby’s washcloth to help get rid of dry skin on your face. Use it gently and softly on your face.

3.   3.    Use Avocado :  Avocado is incredible for dry skin caused by sunlight and is proven to help ease the signs of skin diseases such as eczema.

4.     4.  Use moisturizer : Moisturizer really expel your dry skin. You may apply the moisturizer if your skin is damp.  You can apply it from the neck and go up onto your face. To set the moisturizer into your skin may take around 10 minutes. Do this before you put on your foundation or powder.

5.    5.   Use Babasu oil : Babassu oil from the Amazon in Brazil is known to have the ability to relieve dry skin since it can moisturize  the skin. The good thing is that it doesn’t make the skin greasy or oily.

6.     6.  Apply Aloe Mask :   Aloe mask is also good to get rid of your facial dry skin, since it will hydrate your face skin and also reduce inflammation and redness on the skin.

7.     7.  Use water : The simple, practical and cheap way to help relieve dry skin is by using water. Water not only hydrate your skin but also improve your complexion. Just like the rest of the body, your skin needs water.

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One Response to How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin On Your Face

  1. I have a very dry skin and I was searching for the best skincare tips for my skin and I have ended up here, thank you very much for sharing such an amazing article.
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