Tickle In Throat Doesn't Have To Be Hard. Read These Amazing Tips

It is quite irritating if you are having a throat with a feeling like a tickle especially if you have constant tickle in throat. The irritation in your throat  is frequently accompanied by dryness, itchiness and a sore throat tickle.

It will make you feel very uncomfortable and keep you awaken when you have it during the night. Have you ever experienced something like that : a constant dry cough at night? If you experience this kind of continuing cough coupled with a tickle, probably you are having throat dryness.

What are the causes of having feeling like a tickle in your throat?

Throat tickle is closely connected with dry throat so, as mentioned before, you may have a dry cough.

Can I still have tickle in throat even though I already quit smoking?
The filter of cigarettes irritates your throat and can cause you to have awful feeling in your throat. Besides that, inhaling smoke from weed will cause your throat to be dry and that’s it : you will have the feeling of a tickle in your throat.

What about after surgery? Can I get dry cough?
A kind of surgery called tonsillectomy may cause you to have a dry cough and tickle in throat.

What should I do if I have cough that last more than two weeks?
If you have this condition, having long cough with blood and tickle at the back of our throat then you should see a doctor to seek medical treatment.

Is there any other symptoms of other illnesses if I have a tickle in my throat that won't go away?
It is very frustrating, of course, if your cough keeps coming back for days or even weeks. But in fact, it could be asthma, allergies or heart disease.

Is there any other causes of this cough and how can I get rid of having tickle in my throat effectively ?
Throat dryness is often the cause of having a tickle in your throat, so the first thing to do maybe adding humidity to the air. You can also take a steamy bath or just sit in a steaming bathroom in several minutes. But steam can worsen your cough if you have asthma, so be careful. If you are in a dry room, you can use humidifier to add moisture, but don’t add the moisture too much. The humidity level should not exceed 40-50%.  Use hygrometer to measure the humidity level in a room.

Feeling like having a tickle within the throat is usually the results of an allergic response to certain kinds of meals and their components, pollen, smoke, mildew, or various airborne substances.

Do you have any suggestion of certain food and drinks?
Use apple cider vinegar:  Apple cider vinegar has some medicinal properties which makes it a helpful treatment for your sore throat and many illnesses.

Drink milk: With its thickness, milk is great for hydrating your throat again, which helps to do away with the dryness, irritation and feeling of having tickle.

Drink Aloe Vera:  Add warm water with aloe vera juice. Drink and gargle this concoction to reduce infection of the airway and soothe a dry throat.

Drink Ginger Tea : A glass of warm ginger tea before sleeping an excellent way to get rid of tickle in throat at night. There are also some other drinks such as herbal teas, sweet basil, and lemongrass to relieve a throat tickle.


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