Recent Study Shows Declining Trends of Childhood Obesity Among Canadian Children After A Decade

Obese children (
From 1978 to 2004, obesity statistics showed a rising trends of obesity among Canadian children from 23.3 % to 34.7%. However, a new research, published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal), proved a declining trend of overweight Canadian children, conducted based on the body index (BMI) of World Health Organization.

The purpose of the research is to comprehend the trends of childhood obesity in Canada by using the data of 14014 children, 80 % of whom white, whose ages are between 3-19 years old. The researchers from the University of Manitoba split the sex distribution evenly. 
Using the data from the Canadian Community Health Survey and the Canadian Health Measures Survey, they found out that either weight or body mass index (BMI) were lower, showing the opposite trend. Meanwhile, the rates of obesity among children in the United States remained the same.

According to Drs. Celia Rodd and Atul Sharma from Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba, Canada, the media z scores for BMI and weight in 2012/2013 were still higher than those of the growth charts of WHO. “It was unfortunate that the Canadian children are fairly heavy,” they said.

It was said in the report that the decline of overweight children is due to the introduction of BMI growth charts in 2000. The charts help health care providers to talk about the problems of weight with the children’s parents. Besides, public have become more aware of various intervention programs and the attention from media.

Even though, there is a declining rates of the overweight children, the researchers are still not satisfied with the results. Dr. Rodd says that “We must keep on focusing on measures to the families and their children to uphold healthy weights.”

How to encourage children to maintain healthy weight?

There are two important foods in our healthy diet : fruits and vegetables. It is because both are full of vitamins and minerals but low in calories. Eating different kinds of fruits and vegetables will both help you reduce your weight and protect your health.
There at least 5 reasons why you have to eat fruits and vegetables. (Eating fruits and veggies can be used as one of obesity treatments).

1.    They contain low-fat protein and rich in nutrients.
Not only carbohydrates, in fact many fruits and vegetables also contain amino acids. For example, there are around 3 grams of protein in a cup of broccoli, 4 grams in a cup of avocado, while blackberries and kiwis have 2 grams each cup. Fruits and vegetables are packed with healthiest compounds, but with very low calories 

2.    They defend diseases and digested more easily
The National Institute of Health recommends eating lots of fruits and vegetables because they lessen the risk of many diseases such as stroke, hypertension and some types of digestive problems. You are also protected by non-communicable diseases.
Digestive problems can be hindered since those foods are broken down more easily during the process. Foods with more fiber mean the digesting process is done more smoothly and swiftly. 

3.    They are almost unlimited with limitless variety
If you are hungry, just eat veggies and you don’t need to worry since they are non-starchy. There are diverse types of fruit and veggies with different taste, textures or colors you can find in any supermarket. Choose ones that you like most.

4.    They are really flexible and they are easy to take along
Fruits and veggies can be eaten raw or cooked, steamed, roasted, grilled and many others. Maybe you would like them steamed to add the taste or want them grilled to add smoky flavor, etc.
You can eat fruits and veggies while you are on-the-go, especially if you are busy people. Fruits like apples and bananas have singe serving portion, so you don’t need any tools to eat them.

5.    They are the best bargain and help create healthier world
The price of fresh produce is cheaper per pound than, for example, meat and seafood. If you compare, with less more to spend you have more nutrients.
Since fruits and vegetables need less water and energy to grow than what is need in meat production, eating more produce means decreasing the environmental impact of your diet.

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Read more :
New Study : Decreasing Trends of Overweight and Obesity Among Canadian Children

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