6 Little Known Ways To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Do you know that American Americans spend over $1.5 billion dollars just for teeth whitening products every year? It shows that they really care for their appearance, they are worried about their teeth. But why are they willing to spend a lot of money to whiten their teeth with such products which may even make the teeth hurt so much. 
It is because many of the teeth whitening products contain chemicals that can be dangerous to your health which lead to the damage of your enamel. 

On the other hand, they still consume products that damage the enamel such as cigarettes, sweets, all kinds of soft drinks and antibiotics. Then, what happens when the enamel is damaged? The yellow dentin will reveal underneath.

So, is there anything we could do to naturally whiten their teeth? In this article, we are going to talk about how to whiten teeth naturally and how to shield enamel from further damaging.
In fact, you can use natural teeth whitening which is cheap in order to whiten your teeth at home by using some simple ways.  

1.    Use baking soda : Take one tablespoon of baking soda mixed with half of a lemon or lime and a new toothbrush. Put a tablespoon of baking soda into a bowl, squeeze the juice of half a lemon over it. Then, stir the concoction with a toothbrush into a thick paste. Put the paste onto a new toothbrush. Don’t use your daily toothbrush for this whitening treatment. Start brushing your teeth thoroughly. After that, rinse your mouth with lots of water. Do it once a week for several minutes.

2.     By oil pulling :  This is also known as "kavala" or "gundusha," an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that includes swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for around 20 minutes. You should do this on empty stomach. According to Ayurvedic practitioners, this is meant to detoxify (draw out toxins) in your body, mainly to improve oral health in addition to over all health. After your’re done, you can brush your teeth to make sure there is no oil left and you can feel refresh your mouth. 

3.    Use charcoal : It sounds a controversial method to whiten your teeth naturally, using activated charcoal is proven efficient. The reason is that activated charcoal contains absorbent and porous substance that can bind to things something that stain your teeth. How to do that? Just apply some fine powdered charcoal to a toothbrush, and brush your teeth as you usually do.

4.    Apply coconut oil : Just put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it for around five until twenty minutes.

5.    Use lemon juice: Lemon juice contains acid which is good for cleaning or bleaching clothes, hair or other things. You can also put lemon juice gum cleaner. But you don’t need to do it every day. 

6.    Consume healthy foods : This is in fact the best way to whiten your teeth in order to have strong bones and teeth. Avoid coffee, tea or other foods that contain much sugar in your diet.

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