When Mom Gives Best Advice for Skin Care

Moms always take care of the family from day to day. From the time they wake up until the time they go to sleep, they are always busy. It is like doing 24/7 job, all day long, all year long, through the rest of their life. Nobody will pay them, no leave, no bonus, no overtime pay, no allowance. Moms do their best to educate children, to give guidance, to share experience. Sometimes, they give advice we never think it is useful in the future such as, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything” or “Say something good, or stay silent.” Moms deserve the best, especially on this mother’s day.

Talking about experience, moms also share their advice in dealing with skin care products.  Dr. Bailey, a mom who is also a skin care doctor, shares her best advice. 

However, to get the best result you should consult your doctor or health care provider for certain medical conditions or concerns that you might have. Find multi-purpose products

First, she says the most important thing is to find efficiency. She recommends to use only the best quality to take care of our skin health. The products than are hypo-allergenic, non-toxic, all-natural, but affordable ones to use for you and all of your family’s skin. 

1.    Use Simple Powder
Use mineral makeup to have a perfect look of complexion such as Baked Minerals line, her personal choice. Pressed Miner Powder will also be good for you.

2.    Don’t be stingy for something important
What you need to pay attention to and the most important thing is skin care routine. Expensive products are not always the  best. Choose the ones in which you can find out what ingredients that help your skin. Products that have years of experience so that you are sure about the quality.

3.    Always take good care of your skin
Her advice is to wear clothing that can protect, moisturize your skin, for example, from the sun damage. It takes extra work to reverse the damage and even can’t be reversed. Protect yourself from the unbearable heat of the sun during the mid-day and always wear sunscreen every day.

Now, in general are there steps to have smoother skin?
The first thing to pay attention to is to monitor the foods you eat and the amount of water you drink every day, especially if you still suffer from acne in your 40s or 50s. You should also anticipate from other causes such as hormonal acne, if changing your lifestyle or acne diet don’t help much.

 Are there some acne diet foods that you need to get rid of?  

1.    Do not eat inorganic foods
        Most teenagers and adults who suffer from acne is due to toxic overload. So, eating fresh produce, organic foods is better than eating inorganic foods. Besides, you should reduce to consume foods containing sugar and preservatives.

2.    Do not consume sodas and alcohol
Alcohol can dehydrate excessively. Sodas are similar, they cause the acne to worse since they contain lots of sugar.

3.    Stay away from dairy products.
Since containing a lot of cow hormones, stay away from dairy products during the acne diet. If you want to have calcium, eat fresh and green vegetables, soymilk, broccoli and other kinds.

4.    Reduce meat intake

Decrease the consumption of meat such as chicken, turkey, steak and even eggs. A small portion of this food is fine, that is 1/6th of the size of your plate. Meat contains proteins which are difficult to break down. As a consequence, the meat is still undigested in your system that triggers the production of sugars as byproducts which finally trigger acne.

5.    Stay away from white processed foods

White processed foods include breads, cookies, pasta, crackers, muffins, etc. These food are made with bleached white flour which contain harmful chemicals and cause diabetes and free radicals in your body. White processed foods even cause tumors and cancers.

6.    Reduce the consumption of sugar

What is the relationship between sugar and acne? Sugar triggers inflammation of the cell which causes quick aging of your skin. For your acne diet, you should limit sugar consumption to only 15-20 grams per day, not 200 grams as most people consume on a daily basis.


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One Response to When Mom Gives Best Advice for Skin Care

  1. Really it is true that Mom is always caring for her children. She is looking all activities of children. She allows only good products for good health and skin. Today many skin care products are available in the market. You can consult with skin specialist before purchase them.
    Skin Care Specialist in Jaipur


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