Archive for May 2016

Here Come New Treatments for Unwanted Cellulite

Around 85-90 women suffer from cellulite, usually formed in areas with the minimum circulation and without activity. The skin seems to have lumpy appearance with fat deposits. In short, it is a kind of fat accumulation beneath the skin. And it is quite common for those who suffer from it to go on a diet and exercise to try to get rid of it. But quite often, they feel hopeless because those two things don’t really help much.

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When Mom Gives Best Advice for Skin Care

Moms always take care of the family from day to day. From the time they wake up until the time they go to sleep, they are always busy. It is like doing 24/7 job, all day long, all year long, through the rest of their life. Nobody will pay them, no leave, no bonus, no overtime pay, no allowance. Moms do their best to educate children, to give guidance, to share experience. Sometimes, they give advice we never think it is useful in the future such as, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything” or “Say something good, or stay silent.” Moms deserve the best, especially on this mother’s day.

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Recent Study Shows Declining Trends of Childhood Obesity Among Canadian Children After A Decade

Obese children (
From 1978 to 2004, obesity statistics showed a rising trends of obesity among Canadian children from 23.3 % to 34.7%. However, a new research, published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal), proved a declining trend of overweight Canadian children, conducted based on the body index (BMI) of World Health Organization.

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A New Study : For Chronic Insomnia, Undergoing Psychotherapy is Better Than Using Medicines

Do you suffer from chronic insomnia? Be careful; don’t just try some sleeping pills since there is no sufficient proof of using drugs to make you sleep. In a new study in May 2016, The American College of Physicians suggest that those with sleeping troubles should undergo a method of psychotherapy in order to restart the patterns of sleeping before using drugs such as sleeping pills. 

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Do You Really Need Braces for Teeth?

There are many reasons why adults should wear braces such as the possibility of teeth movement at any age due to health condition, natural growth, etc. In this condition, they should wear braces in order to avoid serious problems with their teeth. Regardless of the reasons, when you have to wear braces you have to make sure the type of the braces that suit your treatment. There are at least three main types of braces:

1. Braces made of metal, which is the most usual kind of braces. Unlike the previous ones, current metal braces are smaller in size and more comfortable to wear but look more attractive. This kind of braces is made of high-quality stainless steel.
2. Braces made of ceramic. This type of braces is a popular type especially for adults who pay more in the aesthetic. They are made of clear, translucent material. The weakness of this type of braces is that it is not durable and more breakable, easily discolored. 
3. Clear aligners with customized plastic aligners can gradually move teeth positions to their correct places. No wonder because they are made through simulation of computer to achieve the best results. Since these aligners are almost invisible, many adults like this type of aligner therapy very much.

Usually, the team of orthodontist will help patient to choose the best type of braces that matches with their needs and preferences.

What are the tips for adults wearing braces? 
This first thing to remember is that you must pay full attention to keep the braces from decay or stains. 

While most people just need to brush their teeth twice a day,  those wearing braces must brush their teeth right after every time you eat, in the morning, in the afternoon or even at night.

Why should you do that? How to take care of the braces?
The reason is that food particles can easily be trapped in the braces, which can cause some risks if the particles stay longer there. So, you have to be a little bit choosing in deciding what to eat.

Firstly, you can rinse your mouth with water. The purpose you do this is to release the food trapped in and around your braces.

Secondly, brush your mouth at the downgrade angle on top of the brackets. Then brush again but this time is at upgrading the angle. 

Thirdly, floss your mouth at least every day. You have to make sure that flossing is done either between the braces or under the wires.
Floss threader can help you floss more easily. As an alternative, you can use orthodontic flosser, which is easy to find at at drug stores.
There are two kinds of floss, namely waxed floss and unwaxed floss. The first ones slides between your teeth more easily than the unwaxed floss.  

What kinds of foods should be avoided?
Basically, any kinds of food with too much sugar or starch, since those foods can result in plaque built up around the brackets. Plaque can stain the teeth and finally you will suffer from gum disease. In addition, avoid gummy and fibrous foods, such as caramel, dried fruits or corn because they can get stuck inside the braces. Once they get stuck, it is harder to remove them. Any kinds of ‘hard’ foods such as nuts, ice, popcorn which may break the braces’ wires or slacken the brackets.

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12 Home Remedies You Never Think Have the Power to Whiten Your Teeth


infographic 12 home remedies to whiten teeth


  1.      Apple cider Vinegar
Since it is quite strong, you’d better dilute around half teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water.  You can gargle the solution after you wake up in the morning. After that, you can brush your teeth. If you repeat this for several days, you can get rid of any stains on your teeth and whiten your teeth. 

  2.       Baking soda

You can make a paste from a mixture of some teaspoons of baking soda with fresh lemon juice. After that, clean your saliva off your teeth with a towel. Then, apply the paste onto your toothbrush and brush your teeth. Leave it for 1 minute, then rinse, to get rid of acid effecting enamel.

  3.      Banana peel
Make a piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes. The amazing minerals in the peel like potassium, magnesium and manganese absorb into your teeth and whiten them. Repeat the same procedure at night or before bedtime, to whiten teeth.

  4.     Charcoal
Take a wet, clean toothbrush and dip it into powdered charcoal.  Apply toothbrush already covered with charcoal in the mouth. Then slowly brush your teeth in circular movement for around two minutes. After that, spit gently and rinse your mouth completely.

  5.       Cheese
There is a little-known benefit of cheese in increasing the pH level in the mouth so that it makes the mouth less acidic.

Increasing the pH level means that the cheese has the power to reduce tooth erosion and its discoloration.

  6.       Clove oil
Take a drop of clove oil into the toothbrush. Use it as a toothpaste. Besides whiten your teeth, clove oil can also fights decay and dental problems.

  7.       Crunchy carrots
Not only having the ability to strengthen your eyesight, but carrot (when eaten raw) can also help scrap off the plaque from your teeth.  Rubbing the carrot sticks on your teeth directly also has the same effect according to some people.

  8.      Turmeric powder

Turmeric has the power to brighten appearance of your teeth and keep the gums healthy. For this purpose, just take some turmeric powder and dip the toothbrush in it. Then, brush with turmeric and wait for a few minutes. After that, swish your mouth with water. Lastly, use regular toothpaste. 

  9.      Olive oil

Many dentists recommend olive oil to whiten and to make teeth stronger. Olive oil is good because it contains vitamin E which kills bacteria causing gingivitis and bad breath. Olive Oil is also very beneficial to remove tartar from teeth.

Take and apply extra virgin Olive oil on the teeth after you brush your teeth. Then softly scrub the teeth. You can do this process three times a week to remove the tartar.

 10.   Orange peel
Orange peel is inexpensive remedy for dental treatment, especially to whiten teeth. Orange peel contains d-limonene, a kind of natural scent and solvent. Many cosmetic manufacturers also use d-limonene in many of their products, including toothpastes.

According to "American Journal of Dentistry" which published their study in the 2010 edition, toothpaste contains d-limonene which is very effective in reducing smoking stains on teeth.  D-limonene prevents the development of further smoking stains.

Removing stains by using orange peel will take a much longer time before you see the results and it won’t remove all stains.
 11.   Strawberries
It is best to use with ½ tablespoon of baking soda. Be careful to do this treatment only once a week because it contains acid that can damage your enamel.

First, crush the strawberry and add in baking soda. Blend the mixture. Then use a toothbrush to spread it onto your teeth. After leaving it for 5 minutes, then rinse and brush with your toothpaste completely.

 12.   Salt
Salt is can remove stains and whiten your teeth. You can use salt as an option of toothpaste. But you have to make sure to spit it out so it doesn't count as sodium intake.

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Want to Cure Itchy Throat The Easy Way? Read This

Want to Cure Itchy Throat
It is very irritating if you have an itchy throat, continuous dry cough which causes sleepless night. Not only that, itchy throat cough often awakens you and interrupt your conversation by your coughing spasm. You will have headache and feel exhausted and you will feel sleepy during the day.

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Sick And Tired Of Seeking Treatment Of Insomnia The Old Way? Read This

Image : Habib M’henni@wikimedia commons
Do you have sleeping problems instead of sleeping tight, you spend hours turning and waking up frequently during the night? You probably fall asleep very quickly in minutes, but after that you wake up repeatedly during the night and find it hard to get back to sleep. This is called insomnia or sleeplessness.

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Tickle In Throat Doesn't Have To Be Hard. Read These Amazing Tips

It is quite irritating if you are having a throat with a feeling like a tickle especially if you have constant tickle in throat. The irritation in your throat  is frequently accompanied by dryness, itchiness and a sore throat tickle.

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